The heart is a vital organ in the body. If there is something wrong in
the heart, then the life that is at stake. Did the if mortality increasing
heart pain from previous years? So, it is very important for You to know how to
maintain heart health. There is no harm if the Healthiest
Gang began to give more attention to the heart. The simplest way to maintain
heart health is to implement a healthy lifestyle.
Small habits to maintain heart health try to change habits on
ourselves so that the health of the body stay awake.
1. Do Not Smoke
As many people know, smoking is not a good
habit. Smoking may cause oxidative stress on the body, namely the circumstances
when the amount of free radicals in the body exceeds the capacity, making it
difficult for neutralized. This condition can improve the development of fatty
plaques in the coronary vessels of the heart. If you are active smokers, then
cut these habits now. When you stop smoking, the risk of developing a heart
attack can also be decreased by up to half, compared with those who still
2. A Healthy Diet
The core of implementing healthy eating
patterns so that the heart condition is maintained by consuming foods rich in
fiber, reduce foods containing saturated fat, reduce the use of salt, and
consume fish regularly.
Read : The Healthiest Foods For Breakfast
Read : The Healthiest Foods For Breakfast
3. Keep Your Ideal Weight
Excess weight can increase the risk of
suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and have a bad cholesterol level. So, please do not hesitate to know the
body mass index (IMT), so that You know what is the ideal weight You or not.
Psst, you can check the IMT You here, you know.
Read : The Dinner Menu For A Healthy Diet Is A Proven And Successful
Read : The Dinner Menu For A Healthy Diet Is A Proven And Successful
4. Stay Active
Well, this one is no less important Gengs. By
exercising, you can maintain your weight as well as lowering the risk of heart
and stroke illness. In addition, the sport could also be useful to reduce
stress levels.
5. Limit Alcohol
Consuming too much alcohol will increase the
risk of suffering from liver disease and raise blood pressure, which can have
an impact on the heart.
6. Avoid Stress
Do you know if it turns out that stress is associated with the body's immune system?
Deserve body stress again if like feels
uncomfortable, Yes. So, if you are facing any problems or are under pressure,
do not hesitate to speak or ask for help from others, Yes.
7. Control to a Doctor
Already same times not whose name scared check
to the doctor. Follow health tests is crucial
because it is useful for detecting the disease early. This effort is carried
out so that the handling of health issues suffered will become more effective.
8. Hold the Anger.
Anger can shrink the blood vessels, heart
beating fast and blood coagulates and
agglomerate. When confronted with the situation that makes you stress and
frustration, try to count to ten (how it will change your brain from emotional
being rational thinking), take a deep breath and don't carepeople are annoying.
9. Expand Spiritual Activities.
Research shows that attending a religious
could normalize Your heart rate and reduce stress. Stress raises blood pressure and the risk of clotting and makes the body release the hormone
cortisol associated with type two diabetes and hypertension.
A study in the Netherlands mentioned that
people aged 65 to 85 which have always had a sense of optimism and positive
thinking is apparently capable of lowering the risk of death due to diseases of
the cardiovascular to 23%
10. Sleep Enough.
According to Warwick Medical School, women who
slept five hours or less a day doubled the risk exposure
to hypertension than those who slept seven hours or more.
11. Vacation or Recreation.
The weekend is a great time to relax your body
and mind in a way on vacation with the family to favorite places. A vacation
can be a great role for lowering stress levels and nourish the heart organ.
12. Exercise in the Morning.
Walk or jog in the morning in addition to
nourish the body and the mind is also very good for strengthening your heart
organ. You can spend at least 15 minutes a day to e.g. give the sports treatment to your body.
13. Reduce Salt Consumption.
Consuming excessive salt can lead to high
blood pressure which causes coronary heart attacks. The solution, you can
reduce the use of salt in food everyday.
14. Add Food Supplements to Your Diet.
Although you should get the most nutrition out
of Your food, you can also consume a supplement to add various nutrients that
felt less. The following nutrients are actually already in the superfood mentioned above and have proven
beneficial to heart health.
- vitamins and minerals. Perform your diet with vitamin B3 (niacin) which nourish the heart, vitamin K, vitamin E, and magnesium.
- vegetables. Garlic, Echinacea purpurea, as well as ginseng is believed beneficial to heart health.
- others. If you don't like to eat fish, which can be beneficial to the heart, buy pills of omega-3 acids and Coenzyme Q10.
15. Try Smiling.
Try to spend time entertaining myself like
watch comedy shows or reading a funny story that was able to create a more
relaxed mind. Because of the various issues that concern the mind can affect
the health of your heart organ. So keep your heart tips to stay healthy. Hopefully, this article can help you.
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