On this occasion, we
will discuss the tips and how to lower your high blood quickly and safely. As
we know, is one of high blood disease that very much suffered by human beings,
especially adults.
When someone is experiencing high blood, then the heart will
be pumping the blood several times faster than usual. His impact on the blood
supply, heading to the organs became redundant, and ultimately the performance
of the organ in the body's vital organs – became distracted and maximum or not.
When someone is experiencing hypertension and not trying to
tackle him, then just wait for the time until its sufferers were afflicted with
the deadly disease by such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, etc. That is why you have to be true – a true understanding of how to prevent and how to lower your high
blood quickly and safely.
In his practice, high/blood hypertension is often associated
with emotional factors. But this is not entirely true. In this case, someone
who has unstable emotions isn't
necessarily experiencing the symptoms of hypertension and people experiencing
symptoms of hypertension are not necessarily have unstable emotions.
How to Lower high blood quickly
Prior to focusing on how to lower your high blood quickly,
it's good we are studying what kind of symptoms that arise when a person is
experiencing high direction/hypertension. It is important to note because the
symptoms of high blood often look
vaguely, so many people are not aware that they have hypertension.
Some symptoms that may arise when a person experiencing
hypertension include:
- an often experience a headache and dizziness or dizziness/vertigo
- the neck often feels sore and stiff
- frequent ear ringing
- frequent heart pounding rapidly
If you often have one or more of the above symptoms, you
should do some checking blood pressure regularly and start implementing
healthier patterns of living.
Here is our auto-summary
for you some handling and how to lower your high blood quickly you can do,
How to lower high blood quickly the first is by using the
techniques of massage. According to research conducted by a doctor Moscow
Football Club, massage around the muscles can make the blood circulation in the
body become more smoothly so that a high blood pressure returns to normal.
Some parts of the body must be given a message when they wish to make lowering high
blood is part of the neck muscles and the muscles in the collarbone. It is important to remember, in carrying out the way of
lowering high blood using the technique of this massage, you should not be
massaged too hard and are only allowed to use the fingertips to gently massages
the muscles above the two parts.
Exercise has been proven to be able to help improve blood
circulation. If you are a sufferer of high blood, you should routinely exercise
for 30 – 60 minutes each day. It is said that, in addition to can help facilitate blood
circulation, high blood how to lose this one is also believed to be able to
make the body become more relaxed so that the blood circulation will be normal. If you don't have enough spare time to work out, you can get
around him with compacting your daily physical activity or change in lifestyle
such as biking to work or use the stairs
rather than the manual lift.
Reducing daily salt consumption is also allowed as how to
lose a powerful high blood tho. It is
said that a small reduction of salt in foods believed to lower blood pressure
about 3 up to 8 mm Hg.
How to lower high blood which further is to reduce/avoid
consumption of caffeine. Caffeine found in coffee/tea can cause a spike in blood
pressure – arrive unexpectedly. Though his base on the impact of a spike in
blood pressure caused by caffeine is temporary, it would be much safer if the
hypertension sufferers reduce or even avoid caffeine.
The fruit Bit is very rich in deposits of nitrates that can
help normalize blood pressure. Supposedly, according to research results,
lowering high blood juice made from the fruit Bits have been shown to be able
to normalize blood pressure in less than 24 hours.
Bananas consume regularly turns out can also be used as a
way of lowering the high potent blood tho.
This is because bananas are very rich in potassium can help stabilize blood
pressure within the body.
In practice, You can consume the fruit banana directly as
desserts or processing into juice bananas.
How to lower high blood that is to reproduce salmon
consumption figures.
Salmon is rich in omega 3 can normalize blood pressure. If
you are a fan of seafood, you can make the salmon as your daily food menu.
Eating boiled papaya leaves and flowers are also very
powerful to normalize high blood tablets. It is said that, according to
information circulated high blood, how to lose this one has been used since
hundreds of years ago by the people of Bengal are very "hooked" to
consume meat.
Olive oil is very rich in polyphenol content. The existing
levels of polyphenols in olive oil are
believed can help normalize high blood pressure. Therefore, if you are a
sufferer of high blood, you are highly recommended to consume olive oil
regularly every day.
Milk is very rich in calcium may help normalize the blood
circulation. However, milk is also very rich in fats that can lead to
circulatory disorders. Now, therefore, if you want to consume dairy, you should
choose high-calcium dairy products are low in fat. Or, if you prefer, you can
also consume processed milk products like yogurt as one way of lowering high
Well, here there are at least 10 different types of foods
that are good for your consumption in order to lower the high blood pressure
you are experiencing. What's it? Check out more information here:
- Vegetable Spinach – for the kind of food that one is certainly you already know. Spinach is rich in high fiber and potassium. Well, both of these turned out to be very potent nutrients to reduce the effects of high blood pressure.
- Garlic – garlic is usually never absent when his mother was cooking, isn't it? It turns out the garlic aroma fragrance has a powerful nutrient content to lower blood pressure or stabilize blood pressure. In addition, garlic is also low in cholesterol so that both make cardiovascular health.
- Tomato – tomato juice and often used as a mask for the face turned out to also contain nutrients that are believed to be capable of lowering high blood pressure well.
- Celery – celery leaves is also beneficial for lowering high blood pressure. Why can it be so? Celery leaves because it is rich in calcium and potassium is a powerful lower high blood pressure.
- Bananas – You like to eat bananas? Bananas in addition to giving the energy instantly told us turned out to be useful also to nourish the body of the sufferer of high blood pressure.
- Citrus fruit – Fruit rich in vitamin C it turns out also contains potassium tablets. So consume grapefruit useful also for lowering blood pressure plus to lose weight that is potent.
- Avocado – a very tasty avocado Fruit to make juice is rich in a nutritional content ranging from vitamin C, E, calcium, and fiber. These beneficial nutrients MAH, either lowering high blood pressure.
- Brown – good food to be consumed the sufferer of high blood next is brown. Chocolate has antioxidants and other healthy nutrients believed beneficial chocolate lowers high blood pressure well.
- Yogurt – fermented milk is very good for consumption on a regular basis. In addition beneficial for healthy bowel, consume yogurt in the morning or the evening turns can lower high blood pressure. In addition, consuming this yogurt is also good for heart health as well as other organs in the body.
- Oatmeal – Recommendations next meal is the oatmeal is a product of refined wheat. In addition to diet, good oatmeal turns to nourish both bodies suffering from high blood pressure. The more remarkable yet, oatmeal is also good for heart health and circulatory system.
In the end, the best
way could be done by sufferers of hypertension to normalize high blood pressure
is to always apply the patterns of life and a healthy diet. In the medical world, there is a pattern of eating that is
highly recommended for high blood pressure sufferers. This diet called DASH
patterns, namely Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. In practice, the pattern of DASH can be applied by applying
the four principles, namely:
- Enhance fish consumption figures, nuts – nuts, poultry, and beans – grains.
- Increase vegetable consumption figures, fruits, and low-fat milk are high in calcium.
- Reduce the consumption figures for sodium, red meat, and food and beverages sweet.
- Reduce the consumption figures of foods containing cholesterol, trans fat, and saturated fat.
In addition to applying the principle 4 above, hypertension sufferers should also apply more healthy life patterns. This is due to the
pattern of healthy living is actually a way of lowering high blood the best. Do not smoke, do not consume alcohol, regular exercise, and
a break with a pretty pattern is a series of healthy living should always be
run by sufferers of hypertension. Well, that is a little bit of writing about how to lower
your high blood quickly can we pass on to you. Good luck and hopefully useful
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