14 The Main Causes Of Brain Cancer You Should Know!


The brain is one of the organs of the body that becomes the central control of the whole of the activities of the other organs of the body. If the brain is experiencing problems or disorders then the whole body performance system will also be disrupted. But unfortunately, the brain also could not escape from the attack of the disease one brain cancer.
Brain cancer can strike anyone regardless of age and gender. Therefore, we should be vigilant against the disease. Brain cancer cell growth occurs due to own that abnormal happens in the brain.
Brain cancer is one of the chronic diseases that are very dangerous. The disease can cause death. Brain cancer sufferers also experience increased every year. This is due to the increasingly free lifestyle.
Although the main cause of brain cancer is not yet known with certainty some factors can trigger cell growth that abnormal, one being the pattern of life in modern times are getting worse.
In addition, it causes brain cancer can come from the spread of cancer in other organs of the body and then infect the brain or brain cancer called secondary. For that, we should begin to improve the quality of life in order not to join the developing.

The causes of brain cancer can be very diverse ranging from outside and that comes from within. If the factor of in the inevitable whereas factors from outside can we stay away from. Here are some factors that can increase your attack brain cancer such as:

1. Factor From Inside
The causes of brain cancer are very diverse can also come from within our own bodies. Factor in that can increase the risk of developing brain cancer covers a few things such as:
  • Heredity or Genetics: the soul of your family has a history of cancer then you will also have the risk of approximately 70% of esophageal cancer. one of them is brain cancer. But that does not mean the owners of hereditary factors entirely will be stricken with cancer, but the risks are higher than that don't have hereditary factors. How to avoid the disease could be from healthy living patterns that you undertake.
  • Collision History: the head is very sensitive to small or big clash. The collision happened in the head do not be underestimated despite not yet show symptoms in the near future. The collision on the head can cause trauma to the brain tissue. The trauma has slowly will make the network grows in abnormal and become the cause of brain cancer.

2. Factors From Outside
If there is a factor in or internal then there is also the factor from the outside which became the cause of brain cancer. Factors from outside this can be derived from the area around us that we do not realize or can also come from the middle of the life we are living. Here are some of the causes of brain cancer that comes from outside, such as:
  • Smoking: who does not know what is the danger of smoking even slogan cigarette packs already provide information about it. It is written clearly that smoking can cause cancer, but many of us are ignoring these notices. In smoking, there are many addictive substances that can stimulate the growth of cells that abnormal then developed into brain cancer.
  • Consume fatty food: fatty foods consumed excessively makes the digestive system cannot offer it to the maximum so that it will be absorbed by the body and then settles in the body. The fat deposition will develop into toxins or poisons which would cause various diseases one of brain cancer.
  • Less fiber: lack of fiber each day don't be underestimated due to the lack of fiber will complicate the body secretes a toxin or toxins cause a variety of damage. Lack of fiber took part in cancer of the brain that you are dealing with. So multiply the consumption of fiber that comes from the fruit and vegetable.
  • The use of cooking oil that over and over again: too often consume processed foods that are fried alone is not good especially if the used cooking oil repeatedly used this will trigger the growth of cells that abnormal or difficult to control which will be the seeds of cancer.
  • Consume contaminated food chemicals: chemicals that are often worn attached to food is a pesticide. Pesticides are used to kill pests on fruit and vegetables if consumed then he will trigger the active cancer cells in the body. We encourage the consumption of organic fruits and vegetables that do not contain pesticides or poisons that can harm the body.
  • Stress: stress becomes the key to the emergence of a variety of ailments among them brain cancer. Stress or too much mind we should avoid by doing fun activities such as sightseeing, vacation and much more. Stress can even lead to cholesterol, blood pressure rises, as well as increased blood sugar as well as many more other losses.
  • Radiation: radiation or certain wave can also trigger the growth of cancer cells. one wave or a very dangerous radiation is the radiation resulting from the explosion of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in world war 11. In addition to radiation from medical examinations such as CT Scan, or x-ray can also be one of the causes of brain cancer.
  • Lack of nutrients: the same as the other organs of the brain also need nutrients to do their job. The fewer nutrients are met can cause the cells to grow in abnormal will then develop into brain cancer. Examples of the necessary nutrients the brain as omega 3 and 6 as well.
  • Drug: become a drug addict to make the body vulnerable to various attacks of the disease one of the cancer of the brain. Substances harmful not very beneficial to the body.
  • Alcohol: consuming alcoholic beverages in excess could be one of the causes of brain cancer. In addition, various other disadvantages will also be felt with the body become alcoholics. In developed countries of alcoholic beverages has become a major cause of damage to the body and liver cancer sufferers are also on the rise.
  • Age factor: the more we get then the immune system will also be declining so that attack the disease would also be easier. Increasing the age will be more enlarge the risk of developing brain cancer. Therefore, live healthy lifestyle patterns early on to minimize the attack brain cancer
  • The use of medicinal chemistry: consume certain chemical medicines in the long term can increase the risk of attack brain cancer. These medicines will trigger cell growth that is difficult to control or abnormal.

Brain cancer that invades the body sometimes slow diagnosed the cause of lay society less understand the symptoms caused by brain cancer. Early symptoms are sometimes considered underestimated because of an ordinary headache. But when they entered a higher stage and body begin to show reaction other then an examination of the doctor is done.
For that we should know what are the symptoms of brain cancer like the following:
  • An unusual headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Change of mental
  • Sight impaired
  • Difficulty of motion
  • Convulsions
  • Blindness
  • Dementia
  • Unconsciousness
  • Memory loss
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Loss of libido
  • Declining ability to hear
  • Experience paralysis
  • Menstruation ceases abnormally
If after doing the examination to the doctor and you stated positively suffering from brain cancer then treatment should be immediately done to minimize the risk of spread of cancer to other organs of the body. Following the treatment, the doctor will do healing and as an attempt to extend the age of the patient, such as:
  • The OPERATION to ERADICATE the cancer cells

The operation of cancer of the brain is not as easy to perform operations on other cancers. This operation is the level of difficulty is very high. Even the medical team who perform very diverse ranging from cancer specialists, nutritionists, social workers, as well as a neuroscientist.
Operations conducted with the aim of eradicating cancer cells using radiation therapy. After performing the operation then radiation therapy should also be continued in an effort to stop or reduce post-operative tumor growth.

Chemotherapy is becoming one of the ways to support the healing of brain cancer.  Chemotherapy can also be a treatment option if there is no other treatment path. Chemotherapy is done by providing similar drugs or a combination of two or more types of drugs.
Chemotherapy is performed periodically with a period of about 2 to 3 months with chemotherapy several times punctuated the break. Chemotherapy will give the side effects for the patient's body such as nausea, vomiting, bone pain and hair loss but will disappear by itself.
Consume foods rich in nutrients can help compensate for the nutrients lost due to the long and tiring treatment of brain cancer patients.

Brain cancer can cause a complication resulting from treatment side effects. This complication is very harmful to the body and can lead to loss of life. here are some complications caused by certain treatments such as:
  • Acute tumor Hemorrhage
  • The spinal cord experienced obstruction that may cause water retention in the brain it can cause death in patients of brain cancer
  • Muscle Movement causes pressure on the throat which can threaten the safety of your soul.

So the reviews about brain cancer we could describe it to you. May be used for all of us. Don't forget also to share this article with others Yes, so that other people know what are the causes of brain cancer, the symptoms, and how to treat it.

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